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Mission & Vision Statement

Covenant Sisters International (C.S.I.) is a Non-Denominational fellowship of women in various geographical regions and of different ethnicities, which have committed their lives to Jesus Christ and have made a Covenant with the Almighty God to exemplify His love throughout the world. The primary purpose of (C.S.I.) is to help build the Kingdom of God through equipping and edifying women of purpose and destiny. Promoting unity and bonding in the Body of Christ. 

As Covenant Sisters, we promise to be our sister’s keeper through committing to pray and intercede for each other. Furthermore, sharing words of hope and encouragement to our sisters who are discouraged, and ministering healing to those who are hurting. Speaking words of faith and victory to help them overcome any adversity and declaring deliverance to those who are in captivity.

Covenant Sisters International was founded by Dr. Joyce Thornton in 2005. The vision and mandate of CSI is to minister globally to the total needs of women holistically, spiritually, emotionally, and physically through collaboration with multiple organizations. Covenant Sisters provides fellowship and worship gatherings; let’s talk sessions, empowerment workshops; and women’s health seminars. Covenant Sisters host regional and annual conferences which ministers to the Body of Christ which is inclusive of men.

The purpose and mission of Covenant Sisters gatherings and sessions is for edification, empowerment, enlightenment, encouragement, stimulation, and motivational messages from the word of God. Covenant Sisters are the hands of God that will reach beyond the walls of life to embrace all people and share the love of God.

"We are our Sister's Keeper"

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